Friday, December 13, 2019

Lucid Dreaming
Posted on 12/21/2011
Here is my soliloquy
The wind carries off each and every word
To a skeleton. Suffering no more.
No promise in a land of broken ambitions
Her audience is emptiness
As the stars fade out to darkness 
No song, no melody, no spirit 
I touch and bleed, a touch of death 
A touch that rots
The tunnel of nightmares and a universe uncanny 
The ambivalence to death yet no release 
But wait. Standstill..
Do you feel it?

Envelopes the present and pursues after death
Deafness where there was never sound 
Blindness where there was never sight 
Muteness where there was never speech
And a slip back into life
The Fear of Getting Help

Posted on 3/20/2013

I had a dream last night where I decided to call the suicide hotline. They gave me directions to a 24/7 counseling center, which I drove to… only the place was like a fast food drive-thru. The person in front of me was in a car and relating their problems to about three “counselors” behind a dark window. Then the person left and it was my turn to pull up. It almost felt like a factory line. I tried explaining my problems without sounding like I’m wasting their time… they didn’t seem interested until I mentioned the parts about wanting to die. Then their eyes widened and started writing things down on pamphlets. I’m not sure what happened after that but I think I either left or they told me to come back next week. It was weird.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ode to an Empty Life

Posted on 12/20/2013

Time leaves for a short while
Empty cold whirls of
a day passing
Cry of the woods
It’s the night of
the soul
Dark beats of the drum
Life pummeled down to
forget death
Wars of my ancestors
Cycles of immanent
failures foreshadow
Sleep wasted duties
Colors of light and
your oracle ascending
A jump into waves
Halt of breath to
ghosts of nothing

Where All Stories Begin...

I decided to revive this blog with new content. I am now 27 years old, working part-time, and finished a few classes. After several therapy sessions, I have found that one way to channel my thoughts and emotions is through writing. I have written journal entries, cringy poems, doodles, short stories, song lyrics, and other thoughts from age 10 onward. It was a passion of mine. Once I got married and left home, I stopped writing. Life got busy. I was adjusting to a lot of changes. Only recently did I find out I am developing Hashimoto's Disease and I was diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder. A few different medications later, I am now feeling a lot less depressed and have an interest in life again. I still get tired/burnt-out and have trouble sleeping as well, but things are starting to look a little less bleak. I am going to start out by writing some entries I had put on my tumblr blog back in college and work my way up to the present time. I feel that it's important to see how I got to where I am now in order to understand why I do the things I do. Maybe I'll learn something else about myself along the way. Some content might be triggering. Some content might inspire. Some content may just be some strange and bizarre entertainment. Though I tend to be a silent creature in the outer world, I've got a screaming monster on the inside that is trying to get out. I am a restless thinker. Some people have found me to be entertaining. Starting this blog may have been due to my manic episode. Who knows... but hopefully something beautiful can come out of this as well.

Thanks for stopping by.